Wednesday, July 1, 2009

"Bad" Haircut...

Sorry, no stamping today. This is a pic my now 8 year old (his birthday is today) took of the back of my head. Some of my friends from far away had heard of my haircut that ended up WAAAAAY shorter than it was supposed to be and wanted to see it. This is a month and a half later, so you can imagine how short it was then! At the time it was shorter in the back than Wayne's, granted, he needed a haircut badly, but STILL!!! By the time I had realized what she was doing, it was too late, it would have had to be glued back on, lol.

I am not sure how to grow this out and get it back to what I like AND still have it look nice while it does. I wish extensions weren't so stinkin' expensive.


  1. wowza!! :-) are you taking horsetail to help it grow faster??
    You do look very stylish :-)!!

  2. I think it looks cute from the side, very cute. It's just not what you are used too. I want to see the FRONT view. Miss you.

  3. Don't be so hard on yourself. The cut looks great. I want to see a front view, too!!

  4. It's a cute cut!! Don't be so stressed - it looks great! ( :
