Wednesday, February 17, 2010

My Firstborn

I love this boy! He is such a blessing to my life. He is loving, caring, bright, and intellegent.
Sometimes wise beyond his year, sometimes so young and refreshing, both sides of him can take my breathe away in amazement. Amazement that God would entrust me with such a gift!!! I am so completely unworthy, yet strive to show my son the One in my life who is.

He turns 9 this summer, and I can barely believe that I have had him for that long, and yet at times it feels like a lifetime. My friend Tony said, when his twin girls turned 9 a couple of days ago, that they were now half grown, and it made me want to cry. It is so true. All things being equal we have now used up half the time he will be in our home, under our care. Hopefully, we will continue to build and maintain a relationship and friendship that will go on into eternity.
I have been tremendously blessed to have a mother that, throughout my WHOLE life, I have been able to call one of my best friends...I want that with my I am off, to work on that very thing. It won't happen with me sitting in front of the computer.


  1. Such an inspirational post! And the love you have for your first born just oozes out all over! rita w

  2. This is so sweet Trudy! I can tell you are an amazing mom! Right now I am reading The Power of a Praying Parent. It is an amazing book and it is helping me to see how I need to show here more who is really in charge! LOL! God gave us amazing gifts didn't He? Thanks for sharing!
