So, what does Julia do to entertain herself while the boys and I are busy doing schoolwork? Here are a few pictures to give you a sneak peak into her busy little world.
When she is good, she is very, very good....(here she is taking one of her brother Anthony's math tests)

And when she is bad, well, as you can see, she is horrid!

Thankfully the pen she used for this was erasable, and it cleaned up very easily

This lovely pale purple is the new color on both the walls of my stamp room and my daughter. I had just a tiny amount of paint left at the bottom of the bucket when I was finished, and I obviously didn't get the lid on very well. This one wasn't quite so easy to clean up. She ruined both our pants and shirts in the process of taking pics and cleaning her up. Believe it or not, the crying is not from being in trouble (which she was), but because she was upset I wouldn't let her look at my side of the camera while I took the pictures. She loves that she can see herself when I am done...she just hasn't figured out that she can't both be in the picture and watch it being taken.
Really she is loads of fun right now, although some days I could pull my hair out =o). I would love advice from any of you more experienced homeschool parents on how to keep Julia "gainfully employed" while the rest of us are doing our lessons. I try to make her a part of things, but at times, with her attention span, that is just not possible.