Wednesday, April 30, 2008
It's Clean
Look What the MailLady Brought Me
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
April 29 Sketch Challenge

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Brandon At Bat
This is a clip of Brandon batting in their first real game of the season. I wish I had been able to get one of his very first at bats in video, they were hilarious. He would get a GREAT hit, and then take off down the baseline...well, take off on tip toes that is, and prance to base, while grinning and waving at his adoring fans-all the mothers in the stands. I think I missed it for good though, he is actually realizing that the other team really is trying to get him out, unlike dad when they play at home. After the first couple of games he told us on the way home "Maybe when I am 5 I will make it to first." To his delight he has now actually scored which the next clip shows.
In one game they had the fastest kid on the team batting after Brandon-um, not a good idea. Thankfully Dallas was paying attention to the third base coach and both times slowed down to BJ's snail pace, touching the base right behind him. Sorry for the sun glare in this picture, but these are evening games, and I get what I can get.
Oh, and both of their coaches are called Brandon, plus there is another kid on the team called Brandon, and then there is also a Braden. It can be kind of confusing at times.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Great News!
I AM PREGNANT again!!!!
I have been SO excited that it has been hard to keep it, mostly, to myself. I went to the doctor yesterday for my 12 week check up, and everything looks, measures, and sounds great. So far there have been no problems, Praise the Lord!!!
I have been very nauseous and exhausted, but even this has been (kinda =) ) a blessing because it has let me know that I am still pregnant.
I continue to pray for everything to continue well, and for a healthy baby, but today, as I pass this milestone, I am just praising, praising, and praising the Creator of Life!
Friday, April 18, 2008
Little Girl with Purse

Thursday, April 17, 2008
Baseball Boy

This video is of Anthony was a FREEZING cold day, kind of misty, rainy. I was hoping they would cancel the game, but no such luck.
Please excuse my bad video clip, but this mama gets a little excited when her son is up to bat, and forgets about the camera. He made it to base because, although it was almost a tie, and the throw did beat him, the first baseman then bobbled the ball a little bit. Sorry that you can't see that part.
I thought the long distance family would enjoy this, but especially his Uncle Joe, Uncle Bruce, and Papa. I will try to get a video clip of BJ, and then a better one of Anthony. Brandon can be hilarious up to bat, and running to base, but the more he plays the better he gets. This is Anthony's first and last year in Tball (then on to coach pitch), but BJ will have two more.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Contest Winners!
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
April 15th Sketch Challenge

Thursday, April 10, 2008
Family Pictures-Aircraft Museum

Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Hat's Off!

Monday, April 7, 2008
A couple more Boyz and Girlz Cards

Friday, April 4, 2008
Girlz and Boyz Cards

Wednesday, April 2, 2008
NEW Itty Bitty Limited Edition Sets
Here is the link to go and check them out:
They are too cute! Want even more great news? Host a funshop in April and you can earn one of these sets free for EACH $100 in sales you have. WOWZA! I didn't think having a party in April could get any better (since they are already doubling all the hostess benifits for the month), but I guess a was delightfully wrong.
So what are you still doing reading this?!? Go and check out those STAMPS!
Card Sketch April 3